Welcome to my humble site. This is my first attempt to become a bit vocal in the beer world. For a while I have been dreaming on seeing more women being more active in this topic and there are, but they/we might not be too efficient in making us visual, so following the moto of “think big, act small” I decided to put my little voice ou there and share my opinion and mostly my learnings while deeping in this wonderful world of beers.
My first idea is to share in the postings my experiences. After few years going to many and diverse beer tasting sessions and learning some specifics on breweries and basics of beers, I have decided to enroll to follow the education. To start with, to work on towards becoming Beer Ambassador and if my talents develop, to become Sommelier. My first certificate starts in a couple of weeks. So, all my learnings and finding will be posted in this section, as a blog.
I intend to also add a section of reviews. These reviews will be of individual beers as well as few breweries. And aside of typical data related (flavors, looks, smells…), I want to also share my experience: like where, how and with what I would recommend that specific beer. Because I think drinking beer is not just tasting, is about enjoying, is about learning and experiencing.
There will be a section of reference and generic information that I find useful. And an events calendar that might be of interests. I will focus on quality and not quantity, so no Oktoberfest in this event calendar, I am afraid.
I should not need to mention but I will still do that this is a very personal experience and as such any comments and postings I will put in this site, it is strictly subjective. Do not follow my opinion, just try by yourself and share your opinion with me so I also learn from you.
Last but not least, this blog is in English, but you can send me your comments in any language. I can follow: Spanish (Castilian), Catalan, English, Dutch and Italian… for any other language I can make use of technology to maintain the communication.
Enjoy the reading and enjoy beer!
yay! Happy to take part in your journey like this!!